The turnover at Bethel was amazing when I was there in the seventies, we were suppose to commit to four years but near half the group I came in with had left by the first year I was there, by the third year I was hard pressed to find more than a few members of my original group. The figure I heard after that was nintey percent who would leave Bethel would leave the org. after that. They tried to loosen the tight rules in response to the big exodus, but I hear they tightened them up again in the eighties. There needs to be a census on the global number of ex-jw's.
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Only 37% raised in JW stay in
by White Dove inin the cbs/ap it's reported that "only 37% of those born into the sect remain members.
" it also said that jw is the fastest growing religion with the worst retention rate.
i guess it's that they appear attractive long enough to baptize the people, then they lose them.
Did you see Jones town last night ?
by mouthy init was horrible.
i had seen before a documentry about it.
also i had read the book.
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Alex Jones has come out with a very differerent expose on what really happened at Jonestown. One you won't get from the msm (main stream media). All of his info. is very well documented which makes it quite scary, reality often is. I listen to to hear info. to hear the Alex Jones show to get info I can't get from main stream t.v. or radio.
Family shunning
by LunaFing inthis is my first time in a discussion forum.
i'm an ex-jw who hasn't "officialy" left the religion because i'm afraid my family will shun me.
i've been "inactive" for 10 years.
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Just like Orwell's 1984 they say they don't shun, but my Dad and brother have shunned me for twenty years. Good Luck with your family, your gonna have to play games because of that stupid religion.
William F. Buckley, Jr. Has Died
by snowbird ini enjoyed listening to his witty and acerbic remarks even though i disagreed with some of his views.. sylvia.
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Right now on this page there is a picture of Ann Coultier in an ad that will probably be gone by the time your read this but she looks like she is starving to death, can somebody please get her to eat something, I am serious. Anyway I read somewhere that Buckley had been a secret operative for the CIA at one time. This kind of killed my enthusiasm for the guy, I did like firing line but I don't like the CIA.
What if Gov. Body Changed there names? Any1 do a Search on there SS #?
by cognac inif not, i got a new project...
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Why would they change their names do you think their getting ready to make a run for it, with our hard earned donated cash and service? There are Ex-JW's all around the world who could keep an eye open for them, although most of the ones that were there back in the seventies when I was at Bethel are probably in the nursing home not out living the high llfe.
what have jws got against beards ?
by looloo inand it really used to annoy me that jesus and john the baptist both had such neat and well trimmed beards in the watchtower literature , how unlikley would that be in reality ?
also they never wore a suit so why do "true christians "have to wear one , is all about appearences by any chance and giving a false impression ?
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If being no part of the world means not looking like the world, what part of the world are they talking about? JW's look like the Business World. They look like the Military Establishment. Few Politicians have beards so they look like that part of the world. The people who wear beards are the renegades, creative people, people who at least think of themselves as independent thinkers, as the early Christian were and thus they wore beards.
The last people the Society would ever want you to look like are Jesus and the early Chrisitians. That should tell you something right there.
My brother being kicked out of Bethel
by observador inone more sad story about someone beyond their good age being kicked out of bethel.
i have been informed that starting in march, he will be reassigned to the wonderful privilege of working as a pioneer in a distant rural area congregation.
my brother, 41, knows nothing but bethel life.
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How sad, you give them your best years and they boot you out in the cold. I left in 1977, I envisioned the day would come when these cold hearted monsters would kick us out when our best years were gone. I could see them preassuring some of the middle age brothers back then to leave Bethel, in some not so subtle ways, not promoting them and giving them menial jobs. Yet they would tell us younger brothers don't go it's a bad economy out there. Well it's got to be clear now that these people don't care about you. Tell those you know who are still in don't be suckers, don't be taken in by these New World Carpet Baggers.
Angry demobilized Chinese veterans pose threat to the Communist Party
by nvrgnbk inwill china be forced to abandon it's hardline stance on human rights and personal freedoms?.
will the growing number of demobilized soldiers play a role in the potential shake-up?.
another 600,000 officers were given jobs in the civilian sector.
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A stable Chinese Communist government is a police state where the disenting population is brutalized into submission. Any form of social unrest there is good for humanity. After all aren't we suppose to be exporting our democracy, not condoning Chinese oppression.
What was the purpose of Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society
by Lady Lee infrom visions of glory, chapter 2. russell was the president of the organization that is today known as the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania.
mrs. russell was a director of the society and served as its secretary and treasurer for some years.
[yearbook, 1975, p. 66) according to its charter, "the purpose for which the corporation is formed is, the dissemination of bible truths in various languages by means of the publication of tracts, pamphlets, papers and other religious documents and by the use of all other lawful means which its board of directors, duly constituted, shall deem expedient for the furtherance of the purpose stated.
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I read in Fritz Sprinmeir's book 'Bloodlines of the Illumnati' that Rutherford had a drinking problem, and that it was widely rumored that he died from a drunken fall down the stairs.
JWS and Ex JWS....Is the Mark of the Beast taught in the Hall?
by A-Team ina few jws were stunned when i pointed out revelation 13 to them, they said they have never heard such a thing about the mark of teh beast or it's effects.
im beginning to wonder if its even taught in the hall.
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Doesn't the person who gets the mark of the beast get the number 666. Those numbers I read some where appear at the beginning middle and end of the bar code inside all of the identification cards. Thats what I read somewhere. I sort of had lost my faith but what about this, is it a scary coincidence or are we living in the time of the end, of course if we are the Witnesses aren't the ones to ask.